Monday, July 1, 2013

Cirque du Soleil performer killed in Las Vegas show (source: Yahoo! News)

Such a sad news today. a performer from Cirque du Soleil died from a deadly fall
Prayers to her family. 
(source: Yahoo! news)
A performer from Cirque du Soleil died in a weekend accident during a show at a Las Vegas casino.
The accident happened during the show's finale, said Cirque Du Soleil spokeswoman Renee-Claude Menard. During the scene, performers are suspended up to 50 feet in the air on lines controlled by wireless remote controls, according to the troupe's website.
The performer, 31-year-old Sarah Guillot-Guyard, was pronounced dead shortly before midnight Saturday, The cause of death had not been determined Sunday afternoon.
While Cirque performers defy gravity every show — soaring over audiences, scaling vertical walls and dangling aloft in aerial ballets — the incident was the first stage casualty in the company's 29-year history, according to Cirque spokeswoman Renee-Claude Menard.
Montreal-based Cirque du Soleil was established in 1984 and now includes more than 1,300 artists, according to its website. "Ka" is one of 20 shows playing around the world this year — eight of which are based in Las Vegas.

 Note: I am not a affiliate or connected to any news/media programs or channel.
I just want to share the said news.